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hello peeps just wondering if anyone has a wiring guide on how to fit a digi dash? also Ive heard you need to cut part of your dash away to get them in is this right? if so what part and is this hard? do they look good when thier installed? anyone got any photos ? any help appreciated thanks alot
i think theres a tutorial on migweb, i did look into doing this a while back but then kinda forgot about it once the old engine blew up.
im not really aware of anyone on corsa-b that has done this. but im sure someone has
cheers matey ill take a look, I\'m a bit too scared to get on with it and do it you see, i wona see someone Hus actually done it and would like to know what problems they come across, fingers crossed someone comes up with some photos what engine have you put in your car matey ?
ive remembered there is a corsa on here with a digi dash, not sure who it is tho. i spose it all depends on how good you are with electrics, i think alot of it is to do with getting good working parts to begin with. ive heard that you can get them fitted for £200-300 but id want to have a go at it myself
ive got a X18XE it came out of a vectra sri ment to be 140bhp but im not too sure on that
i think id like to have a go at wiring it myself i like a task but i just like to have a clear view of how to do it before i start cutting wires and going mental lol, as for the engine mate how quick is it? has it made a massive difference etc?
to say its a small difference from the 1.4 would be an understatement, i get to 75mph in 3rd gear. and have done 125.... thats as far as the clock went
its f**k awesome from what i can remember.... you wouldnt know but car has been one big saga, its been in the bodyshop for a year cos they went under. enough said.
my only regret is that i didnt put the engine in myself, thats only cos i didnt have enough room to do it.
ah i see so its a long story about the bodyshop mate? sorry to hear that. Would consider 1.8 if i couldn\'t get hold of a decent red top 2.0 16v, i suppose its whatever comes my way the quickest at the time because I\'m a very impatient person n don\'t like to wait . from the photos Ive seen of your car its looking pretty sweet, when do you think it will be done?
i was looking around for a month or so for decent 2.0l, we were already looking for an ecotec, the garage found a 2.0l astra (i think it was) that was ment to be a side smash, was more like side /front. they sent that back (useless) then the 1.8 came up, rear end damage 10k only thing was there was a shortage on drive shafts so still took 2.5 months to do
im hoping the car\'ll be done this month, but ive more or less given up, im actually quite down about the whole thing and try not to think about it
sorry to hear that mate , ah well hopefully you can see light at the end of that long long tunnel now and the car will be done and you can enjoy it again, how much did you pay for the engine if you don\'t mind me asking? trust me mate when you get it back on the road the long wait will have been worth it good luck fella
ive paid near somewhere around 4k for engine brakes, blah blah blah.
but i had loads of running in problems, some flexing in the engine when it wore in on the mounts, i needed a new strut brace that i had tp pay for, new gears in gearbox which was done for free, then i hit a post thing on the floor. put a v in rollbar (wedged it under sump) broke an engine mount, its all been doom and gloom
just got back from work was awfull with this heat .....ah mate sorry to hear that hopefully it will get better soon and everything will go right for you, by the sounds of it everything that could of happened bad has happened, things will look up with the car matey looking forward to seeing photos , my mate just put a 2.0 turbo in his Astra and hes offered to put my 2.0 when i get hold of one, he said he\'ll do it as a mate free of charge, all i need to do is buy the drivesharfs etc etc etc so I\'m lucky that way, i hope it all goes right for me cant have no nightmare happening on me
and yet i remain mostly upbeat about it
sounds promising for you, make sure you get involved when he puts it in, otherwise if you get problems you\'ll be none the wiser. i wanted to do mine myself but no space to do it..... i shouldve done it at work in the car park
lol yeah mate i think ill be getting my hands dirty, at the end of the day ill learn a bit more and like you said if out goes wrong i may be able to put it right myself, yeah you should of done your car at work, would have had some funny looks doing it in the car park ha ha. is the car actually sprayed now mate? i seen the Photoshop of what it should look like n it looks stunning
cheers matey. bits are sprayed, waitin on a back bumper at the mo, when that comes, theres some welding and smothing to do then its spray time
rocker cover, ps2, back of - doors, boot, bonnet are done.
engine bay needs redoing, the paint color has changed slightly since it was done when the engine went in
like it mate, keep me updated on this I\'m looking forward to seeing it, it sounds promising n the photos Ive seen it looks sweet . hope it all goes right for ya bud and keep me posted please lol, am going out now to enjoy the rest of the weather speak later