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Re: Get your own back advice?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:25 am
by SparcoSt3
Smithiescorsa wrote:haha!!! well i dont have that problem much not really in an area where they park over your drive cos if they do they'll get it towed by the farmers trying to get down the lane haha as for school parking i do it all the time to park where i can then when i get told to move i get out of the car look and say theres no double yellow lines here and i have tax.... sometimes people dont even have drives and they still come out!!!! Grr!! there just after an argument

lol yeah, they have nothing better to do with there lives than shout at people for nothing....if u dont like kids and schools.... then dont by a house outside the main gate!¬

Re: Get your own back advice?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:53 pm
by chrish4161
I also have a great idea for you. Next day when he park a car in your area then paint the car with some different hard color in this way that his car looks like joker. So from the next day He will surely not going to park his car in your area.

Re: Get your own back advice?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:12 pm
by 18_roach_88
Get some yellow spray paint and lay down your own double yellow lines :D