So for the first time in what feels like ages I was home on the weekend. Well, at least on on the Sunday.
Decided to build the engine today. Started off with the sub- assembly. All went well there. Basically fitted the new 40thou 1600 pistons, still running the normal 1600 crank and rods. New waterpump, new oil pump, new bearings, all new gaskets and whatnot
Tackled the head next. Took the 1300 head for the task. It is in really good shape still, just needed a good clean.
I think this head was used in a turbo application, so there was quite a bit of carbon build-up in the ports
First attacked it with a wire brush while the valves were still in there
Stripped the valves out
Left the valves to soak in diesel for a bit - makes it much easier to get the carbon off. Anyways, cleaned them up all nice, re-seated the valves, put the new stem-seals in and assembled the head again. Fitted the new thermostat and proceeded with assembling the engine
I sortof forgot about pictures at this stage, but this is where I ended up for the day
I'm just miffed with the fact that there was no cam-box seal in the Elring head set. Don't know if it was supposed to be in there or not - really odd that the cam seal is in there but not this one
So still to do on the engine:
Buy that sodding seal and get it in there
Buy the little rubber elbow that connects the rear breather pipe to the cambox
Get some other tappet cover bolts - I hate those torx bolts
Get normal bolts to replace the cap screws on the vernier pulley - they catch on the cambelt cover
Then I can bolt it to the gearbox, and get that in the car.
Was good progress today, but I am so frustrated at this stage with having to be at work every weekend... Piece of advice - if you are ever offered a position at an Italian company, run...
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