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Corsa b full suspension/30mm lowerd ?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:13 pm
by tomquinney
how much do you think it would cost as the whole suspension on my corsa b needs replacing, let me know

Thanks x

Re: Corsa b full suspension/30mm lowerd ?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:34 pm
by Corsa-Jack-09
tomquinney wrote:how much do you think it would cost as the whole suspension on my corsa b needs replacing, let me know

Thanks x
have a look on ebay mate get a second hand set of dampers for about 100 quid and set of lowering springs for bout 50 quid or gan to yi nearest scrap yard and have a hunt about .

Re: Corsa b full suspension/30mm lowerd ?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:42 am
by MattyB
Welcome to the site.

Just to let you know, you'll probably find your question will be moved to either the general or techincal sections of the site as this section is purely for logs of modifications people are making to their cars.

To answer your question it depends on what sort of suspension you want? standard or lowered?

Brand new standard would prob be £80-£100, uprated £150-endless.