Starts sometimes
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:22 pm
Got a great one here for you. Have a Merit 1.2 which starts when it wants to. I can start it about one time in five tries. When it starts it fires straight away and runs perfectly never missing a beat. When it doesn't start I can turn it over from a full battery to flat and it will not fire or catch once. (no spark at plug at all). I can lock the car leave it for an hour and sometimes it will start and sometimes not I usually have more succsess when the engine is warm but not always I guess its an electrical fault probably with the imobiliser but this one has me stumped any ideas or suggestions would be gratefully recieved
Got a great one here for you. Have a Merit 1.2 which starts when it wants to. I can start it about one time in five tries. When it starts it fires straight away and runs perfectly never missing a beat. When it doesn't start I can turn it over from a full battery to flat and it will not fire or catch once. (no spark at plug at all). I can lock the car leave it for an hour and sometimes it will start and sometimes not I usually have more succsess when the engine is warm but not always I guess its an electrical fault probably with the imobiliser but this one has me stumped any ideas or suggestions would be gratefully recieved