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Insurance, extortion!?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:24 pm
by Leetabix
Hey guys, I am due to take my driving test on the 15th sept, I have a Corsa envoy 12v 973cc, every insurance quote has been 3 grand or more, I dont know if I am supposed to actually pay this silly price, but I seriously cannot afford it, I have tried looking at quotes on my parents insurance, but they have no no claims, so that wasn't any good, has anybody got any good tips for insurance? it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Re: Insurance, extortion!?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:18 pm
by scoops
cant really offer any advic, just join you in ranting abotu insurance companies, thyre all companis and bnks..theyre on 'the list'
Re: Insurance, extortion!?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:56 pm
by matty101
welcome to the club boys, every young male driver has the same problem. im guessing thou if its over 3k you've gone for fully comp? dont bother. go third party fire and theft. doing stuff like pass plus will bring it down, also try putting a female driver with atleast 3yrs no claims down as the main driver, tht shud bring it down.
failing tht if u accidently
change that little box from "mr" to "mrs" you can probly half the quote.
Re: Insurance, extortion!?
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:19 pm
by Leetabix
Ah well, guess the only way about it is to lie, they make it seem like they don't even want us to be insured anymore, no wonder some people don't have insurance on their cars!
Thanks anyway guys
Re: Insurance, extortion!?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:36 pm
by chrisbakeruk
It's a complete joke! but yepp, I passed my test in March 2013 aged 18, bought my car same month, cost me £4000.
Best thing to do is get one of those electronic boxes, I've heard they drop it significantly, but unfortunately I work overnight shifts so I didn't qualify. I went with ASDA.