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How do Boot poppers work?

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:17 am
by amandhanji
I'm really confused as to how they work. If someone can give me clear details of its operations I can fit one to my car. its really annoying to turn the car off and unlock the boot and then lock it. Sometimes we forget to lock it risky business. The kits are very cheap so I'd like to install one only if someone can tell me how it works and if its straight forward to install in these corsa b's.

Thank you

Re: How do Boot poppers work?

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:21 am
by dandadan
never used one myself but as far as I am aware in the boot with the lock there is a little lever you can push up/down to open your boot from inside, well a boot popper will fasten to your boot and get wired in as the instructions should tell you, then when you click the switch/push the button I would say the electric pulse will go to the boot popper and I think it will turn it into a magnet or something forcing a rod of some kind up/down against the lever in the bootlock and bingo the boots open.

Thats how I would make a boot popper anyway, I think that is how they work. LOL