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Should i de-bumpstrip my corsa and if so how?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:13 pm
Hi i ave a star sliver corsa post 97 with v grill and i was wondering should i remove the bump strips on my corsa will it look nice and i de-badged my tail-gate and that was some mess i had to sand off very hard glue and repaint over where the badges were and it was a nightmare so just wanted to know what do ye think and should i go through wit it, is it easy to remove the bump strip i need answers what would ye do?


Re: Should i de-bumpstrip my corsa and if so how?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:39 pm
heat them up and they should pull off, then best way to remove the glue is to gte a toffee wheel of ebay they work wonders and speed up the job :)