corsa b rear axle (beam) replacement
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:49 pm
hey people my rear axle is gubbed on my b common problem I know lol, it completely sheared at the bit the bottom shocker attaches to lol and then was rattling like crazy everytime I went over a bump in road because of the bottom of shocker rattling off the top of the axle, anyways im confident in the task ahead all apart from one thing bleeding the brakes I have stripped engines to bits etc and can do most tasks but never messed with hydraulics on brakes. before I get mucked in is there anyone with some valid pointers in disconnecting the rear brake hoses/unions and replacing them without getting air in the system either the two man method or on my own preferably. remember watching a programme on TV years ago and they were pulling their hair out over bleeding the system lol don't wanna end up like that.