went to see the doc yesterday he told me i 2 stressed, got a lot of work on and stuff mum says hes right and thats why she thinks i am in constant mood at the mo! any 1 know ways of over coming stress?
It\'s proven that connecting with nature overcomes stress. Personally, i\'d say that\'s true. Forget about your life, give yourself \'you\' time...and pretty soon you\'ll be less moody and less stressed.
Yeh, stress can happen cause of anything, like not eating right, not excercising right, not sleeping right. Also, try lying on the ground (not bed, otherwise u\'ll sleep), close your eyes, and imagine the most peaceful place u can think of (no...not some motorshow or motor-race). Think of like the beach, and make sure to breathe slowly as well. It\'s a very successful stress reducing technique, it works effectively if you keep doing that once every day. I was taught that some time ago, and it definately works for me. Give that a try...
i also find mindless distruction is a good stress relaver, also target shooting coz you\'ve got to clear your mind and slow your breathing to help hold the rifle still
but i dont know whats pissing me off i just stressed 2 day 4 some reason i felt it may b coz of what the doc said hopfull i c some of u on saturday at southend thats should help