lol to end the saxo crap.. go back a few years there was more corsa's than saxos for boy racers, saxos are the main boy racer car because they are the next cheap to insure car and quite new, the corsa has seen its day (in a way) and saxo is next thing to go for...
il bring my girl on here she will explain how crap your corsa is and how much better her saxo is
and in a way it is true..
saxo's are lighter, and not top heavy, they dont roll over on their roof for a laugh every once and a while
its alright plexo let your bird come on here we can have a laugh..... i really don't care of your opinion or anybody elses, i've got a corsa its mine, it aint poo! its how i want it!! i drive what i choose just like you chose your colt and dan chose the civic, like my sig says id rather walk than own a saxo and as for them being modern there like the old AX just been vamped, and before you start. my brother got a brand new saxo in 2001 as his first car because they offered 3 yrs free insurance and i have to say they where poo!
forgot to mention, cars looking mint Dan, what you got planned next for it?
lol i didnt really pick the colt i was fed up waitin on somebody sellin their civic and my girl found it on a website i put an insurance quote in for it for a laugh turns out its near same price as the civic lol so got it instead...
he ran over a small child, i guess it just got caught on his bumper
1414 - corsa gsi's on the road in 2008.
735 - corsa gsi's currently on the road and 436 SORN
Basicly you would have to be a right tw*t to break one for parts