oh yeah iv been busy lol took me over a week just to redo all the electrics ect and sort that tick over problem at 2k was crazy it going on its own at 30/40mph was a pain when you came to corners and juctions im just doing a mix mate what ever comes first iv still got loads todo im on the hunt now for some uprated shox n springs,iv still to fit my clear side repeaters,boot popper sump gasket,mk3 astra gsi rear beam with disc brakes,iv got a tigra front scuttle to fit,sparco handbreak and pedels,oil filter n oil change,new plugs ect just loads of bits n bats really mite do most of it 2mo cos im gonna take my front bumper off and get that done so wail im waiting for it to set ill get the other stuff sorted then on wensday see if i can get my rear beam n disc fitted
i got uni tomorrow so not gonna be doin nowt to the car ecept ringin up for a new window. Might have a ring around some places for reinforced windows; seen one company that do em at about £300 for a 3dr hatchback. but it like a 500 mile round trip and 6hr waitin time. so tryin to find somewhere near north west wales, north east humber and west midland warwickshire area. so at least i can be somewhere near a place i can stay the night at before the drive home or to let windows cure.
Fighting for Peace is Like Fornicating for Virginity
wow thats a crazy price just for some reienforced glass mate just buy a mans best friend a Rottie and leave window open an let it out if they come back would be the last time if they did its alot cheaper than reienforced glass and there coolio
at the end of the day if the window can take four or five solid hits from a sledge hammer before giving in it will be well worth it. The alarm kicks in after the first attempt to smash the window. they cant get in the car without another load of solid hits with say a stone or spark plug and the alarm scremin into the night. I may have to pay for a new window but at least it will stop anything from being stolen in the car. One of the companies state their glass can take upto 180lbs sq. inch. Thats the equivilant of a nail gun. Theres a demo of a hench guy slammin the window with a stone and it just scratchin and cracking the slightest bit. It takes like 15 solid hits to get the window to a state where he could use his hands to try peeling back the glass. At the end of the day it will cost like £80 for standar window replacement and £150 for front or rear. and given the standard ones are pretty solid i could just replace with standard ones need be if sum1 tries it again. At least then i wont feel so para about havin wedge load of money sat in audio etc in the car.
Fighting for Peace is Like Fornicating for Virginity
thought id do an update iv just bought some new speakers for my front doors but when i came to fit them they wouldent fit so iv had to mod the door cards abit there not tottaly finished yet but you get the idear i also got some clear side repeaters and have fitted them and iv now sprayed an fitted my tigra scuttle,and iv just bought some new wheels there leagal 15s but i need to change the tyres for some low profiles so i will be getting new tyres fitted 2mo and some new spax 60m springs an shox,then polish lips ect heres some pics
Fusion Speakers
Black tigra scuttle
my clear side repeaters and wheels note tyres are massive lol 185/65/15r so looks kinda crap at the mo
yeah looks alrite dont it mate, wheels look poo atmo but they should look mint once iv got some low profiles on em and done the centers black with polished lips,they have that protective stuff on them at moment so they look kinda yellow
Managed to get abit more done to the beast 2day got my new tyres fitted an new shox n springs all round,vectra crome handles fitted and my irmesher crome door pins fitted post 97 front bumper ,Depo head lights,fixed the speedo,new bonnet catch and cleaned the wheels ready for polishing an get them all Bling! lol still not decided as to what im gonna do yet with the black/gray trim lol so the bumper still needs spraying! i dont know weather to code it all green or do it black what you think???